A Century of Service
We Serve

Since 1923

We are the Glen Ellyn Lions Club, and WE SERVE our local communities. We gather together to help those in need through volunteering and fundraising. We donate our profits to local charities and organizations supporting vision, hearing, diabetes, hunger and more!

Three people wearing matching yellow "Glen Ellyn Lions" t-shirts, standing in front of market stalls with blue and white tents, at an outdoor fair.

What We Do

“Where there’s a need, there’s a Lion.” These words guide our efforts.

Man wearing a yellow apron with "Lions Club Candy Day for Blind and the Deaf" written on it, standing on a street and holding a small object; he is smiling and wearing a black cap.

Lend a Hand

Looking for dinner tickets? Ready to donate to one of our causes? Want to be a Lion?